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Two new Véro & Louis Homes will be built soon



Published on : April 25th 2023

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  • Two new véro & louis homes will be built soon
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Almost two years after the opening of the first Maison Véro & Louis in Varennes, we are very pleased to announce that two new Véro & Louis Homes will be built soon.

The first house, which is the result of a partnership with the François Bourgeois Foundation, will be located in the Victoriaville region of Mauricie-Centre-du-Québec. The second house will be built in the Laurentians region, thanks to a historic donation of $7 million from the Lussier family. Mr Lussier, closely involved in the cause of autism, retired and passionate about history and genealogy, is the lucky winner of the 70 Million Lotto Max jackpot.

We would like to thank warmly to our extraordinary partners and donors! Thanks to them, even more families in the Mauricie-Centre-du-Québec and Laurentians regions will be able to offer their autistic child a permanent living environment adapted to his or her needs, where he or she will be able to live and blossom in a different environment, surrounded by trained and caring staff. In addition, other autistic adults in these areas will be able to benefit from daily educational programming through the educational and socio-professional centers attached to each of our homes.

We would also like to thank the CIUSSS-Mauricie-Centre-du-Québec and the CISSS des Laurentides who are working hard to see our projects come to fruition.

To learn more about our projects, consult the FAQ or write to us at info@fondationverolouis.com 

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