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Our Fundraising Events

Learn more about the Véro & Louis Foundation's fundraising events and initiatives

Différent comme toi campaign

A record amount for the Différent comme toi campaign: $640,700

Thank you for making a difference with us

Big or small, every donation counts.

Christmas campaign 2023 : Thank you for your solidarity!

Your generosity is very important for us.

Thank you for your support

The chaussettes campaign - Thank you so much!

$ 188 000 collected

More about

The Theo & Louis 2023 Open a great success!

A net amount of $355,700 was collected

At Tim Hortons on the South Shore of Montreal

$128,382 raised for the Smile Cookie campaign!

We look forward to seeing you next spring!

Thank you in advance for your generosity!

Donate to our Christmas campaign!

As we enter the holiday season, it’s a great time to support the Foundation by making a donation.

Over $95,000 raised

Smile Cookie campaign | Thank you for your generosity!

The 26th edition of the Smile Cookie campaign a big success!

Thank you, everyone!

The Différent comme toi toque campaign is over!

See you in March for the next Différent comme toi campaign!

Thank you for everything!

First edition of the Omnium Théo & Louis a major success!

We raised a total of $470,000!

See you next year!

A magnificent $104,158 for the Biscuits sourire campaign!

Thank you to all the generous gourmets who bought cookies!

Thank you so much!

A great success for the 12h-80km Race!

See you next year!

Thanks you so much!

A record amount for the Véro & Louis 2024 Omnium!

A net amount of $503,300 was raised during the 3rd edition of the Véro & Louis Omnium

In partnership with Jean Coutu and powered by Rouge, the public is invited to wear Différent comme toi socks.

The Foundation's socks are back!

Buy them now!

Give now

Thank you for supporting our cause!

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