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A magnificent gift from Victoriaville!



Published on : December 11th 2023

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We are delighted to announce that the City of Victoriaville has just donated land to the Foundation that will be the site of the next Maison Véro & Louis in the Centre-du-Québec region!

The vacant plot of land is located on the edge of Promenade des Ainés, near the community gardens at 38A rue Lactantia in Victoriaville.

Louis Morissette took advantage of the announcement to call on the entire community of the region, renowned for its outstanding collaborative spirit, to take ownership of the project. The next stages of construction will require a great deal of resources on many levels," he said.

The entire Fondation team, Véronique Cloutier, Louis Morissette and Guylaine Guay, our godmother, warmly thank the Fondation Bourgeois, the city of Victoriaville and its mayor, Antoine Tardif, as well as the community, for joining forces to bring this magnificent project to life!

Many thanks also to the CIUSSS Mauricie-Centre-du-Québec, which is working hard to make this second Maison Véro & Louis a reality.

Thank you so much for joining us on this adventure!

The detailed construction schedule will be announced in the coming months.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to consult our FAQ 👉 https://fondationverolouis.com...or write to us at info@fondationverolouis.com.

Picture : jprphotographe

From left to right : Guylaine Guay (Marraine Fondation Véro & Louis), Caroline Pilon (Mairesse adjointe Ville de Victoriaville), Katty Taillon (Directrice générale Fondation Véro & Louis), Louis Morissette. Véronique Cloutier, Antoine Tardif (Maire de Victoriaville), Marguerite Bourgeois and Olivier Gamache (Fondation Bourgeois), Jacinthe Cloutier (CIUSSS MCQ)


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